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Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook for Out-of-Body Travel

Goal Realization (PLR)


PLR RIGHTS: This eBook comes with Private Label Rights, which means you can edit the contents, insert pictures, etc.

In this 156-page ebook, you'll learn how to realize your goals. Life is a challenge and we all must take chances to learn as we grow. If we are frightened to take chances then we will never reach our destiny in life.

Achieving goals takes effort, principals, values, awareness, standards, will, and more, but most of all achieving goals require purpose. We all have goals in life and this includes each section of our life. Sometimes those goals include high expectations. Realizing your goals is an important step. If you realize your goals and have a purpose, you will move closer to achievement. Goal realization is an achievement in life all in itself. Still, it is important to set plans that work toward your goals. This is true since goal realization is a fight to win.

Goal realizations often start in school, then to jobs and then moves ahead. Are you planning your life? Goal realization is also the gateway to learning, thus if you have plans, purpose and the like you have goals. Are you ready to take steps to your future? This ebook will help you reach your highest potential.


eBook Format: Adobe PDF
Platform: Windows and Macintosh
Download Format: Compressed .ZIP
File Size: 1.60 MB
Sales Page Included: Yes!
Master Resell Rights: Yes!
Private Label Rights: Yes!

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Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook for Out-of-Body Travel

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