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Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook for Out-of-Body Travel

CD: Chakra Healing Chants


Embark on a journey through the power of the Chakras on a river of sacred sound with legendary 'Song Healer' Sophia with David Gordon on shaman drums and native flutes. Eastern practitioners have worked for centuries with drawing in vital prana or 'breath of life' into the body via the seven chakras to vitalize and heal themselves. Sophia uses pure vocal tones, which have a direct correspondence with the Hebraic Sephira on the Cabbalistic Tree of Life. Particular key frequencies help activate and send soothing and subtle energies into these body energy centers. Sophia and David are joined by special guest artists- Hans Christian (Rasa) on cello and exotic string instruments and Raphael with keyboard orchestrations. This is the perfect soundtrack for Yoga, Tantra and meditation for creating a sacred space.

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  • Model: UCHAHEA
  • Shipping Weight: 0.23lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock

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Exploring Your Inner Reality: A Guidebook for Out-of-Body Travel

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